

Experience the Future of Dentistry at Dentologie

Invisalign: Transforming Smiles with Precision

At Dentologie, we understand the desire for a confident, straight smile without the hassle of traditional braces. Invisalign, an alternative to traditional braces, employs cutting-edge technology to make this a reality.
Our Invisalign treatment leverages the following advanced technologies:

iTero Scanner: This digital scanning system eliminates the need for messy impressions. It provides highly accurate 3D images of your teeth, ensuring a comfortable and efficient Invisalign treatment process.

CLIN Check Software: With Invisalign, each patient receives a personalized treatment plan. CLIN Check software allows our dentists to meticulously plan your treatment, showing you a virtual representation of your smile's transformation.

SmartTrack Material: Invisalign aligners are crafted from SmartTrack, a patented material that is more comfortable and provides better control over tooth movement, resulting in quicker treatment times.